I’m Cheyenne.
Thanks for stopping by! I’m the author, creator, and photographer(used loosely) here at Pretty Rounded 🙂
If you’re hoping to read more about the blog itself, go check out my About Pretty Rounded Page. Read on for more about me!

I’m a free spirit trapped with the mind of an overthinker, which leads to constant daydreaming and a difficulty making those daydreams a reality. I’m a creature of habit who doesn’t desire a conventional life; a walking contradiction in most things. Right now, I’m just trying to build a life I’m happy with.
I grew up in small-town Missouri, but my heart lies in all the places I’ve not yet been. Missouri is still the place I call home with my husband Chris, my stepson Eli, and my cat Zorra. If I could live anywhere, I’d love to live somewhere in the UK or in a lush green location with mountains or rolling hills!

I had the idea for a blog floating around in my head for a few years now, but it didn’t start coming together until the end of 2019, with the COVID-19 isolation this year giving me the final push I needed to make it a reality.
Ever since I was young, writing was something I was interested in. It began with reading books galore, writing short stories, and not often feeling comfortable expressing myself out loud. My love expanded with the era of Harry Potter and middle school years spent writing fanfiction. In high school and college, I was the girl who loved writing papers.
Adult life crept in and got in the way of this passion for several years, as it often does. Still, I constantly had the nagging voice in my head telling me I needed to go back to writing in some capacity. I wanted something where I could write, while also utilizing other creative outlets and interests of mine in order to bring some spark back into my life.
I may be rusty these days, but I’m excited for writing to be a big part of my life again and to see where Pretty Rounded takes me!