
About PrettyRounded

Hi there!

I’m Cheyenne and welcome to PrettyRounded. If you want to learn a little more about me personally, check out my “About Cheyenne” page. If you’re intrigued by the origin of this little ol’ blog, then you, my friend, are in the right place.

As I neared my mid-twenties, I often had the nagging feeling that I was not “living my best life”. On paper, I was doing many of the things that I had grown up believing were the right (and best) actions to take in life. I’d graduated college, gotten a full-time 9-5 job in an office mere months later (with benefits, PTO, higher than minimum wage pay—the whole shebang), had a serious long-term boyfriend, a step-son, a new car, and a roof over my head. As far as the formulaic life path embedded into our brains by society, I was KILLING IT at this whole life thing. But, I wasn’t happy. Yes, I’ll say it louder for those of you in the back. I WAS NOT HAPPY.

I felt like my day-to-day life revolved around a job that I was very much indifferent to rather than growing as a person and spending my time on the things that ignited a fire within me. Day by day, I lost my joy. Even worse, I lost myself. As what I would consider a deeply creative thinker, my creative output had become the bare minimum and my spirit had taken a beating as a result.

I wondered every single day if I was crazy. I had some great things going for me, but this recipe for a perfect life that everyone always seemed to be raving about had fallen flat for me. I dreamed of days that weren’t spent looking forward to a few measly hours in the evenings and weeks where I wasn’t counting down to the weekend that always sped by too fast. I longed for more adventure, the most substantial part of my day not to be spent in a windowless office, doing creative projects, and to live rather than simply exist.

No, I’m not here to tell you that I quit my job on a whim, hopped right on a plane, and then all of my wildest dreams came true in an Instagram-worthy fashion. But now I’m at a new job in a new role and working hard to experience the kind of life I aspire to.

This blog, for me, is a medium for all the creative outputs and things that I love most; all the things that have sat dormant for far too long. It is my hope that it will ignite a spark in my life by having something tangible to put my efforts into and that by focusing on these things that bring me joy, I will be inspired to finally be the me that I want to be.

If you have a mind to do something different with your own life and have been at a crossroads, dreaming of choosing the path least traveled, then I hope that this blog helps inspire you.

Join me as I learn more, create more, travel more, write more, see more, love more, smile more, and most importantly–live more.

And remember, even though we all may have some rough edges, we can learn to live a pretty rounded life.

Love, Cheyenne.

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