This week, my brain hasn’t been on overdrive as much as it usually is. This has left me feeling pretty positive coming into a new week! Being able to chill out on my porch after work has been a HUGE mood booster. I’m so excited we snagged some patio furniture.
I started re-reading a Harry Potter fanfiction called “Manacled” by Senlinyu and much like the first time I read it, it completely consumes my thoughts. (I first talked about this fanfiction in my post about what I read last year).It is so well done and I think the best kinds of stories are the ones that stay with you long after you’ve finished reading them.
This time I’m reading it in chronological order and it’s an entirely different experience. I’ve read a lot of fanfiction in my time, and this one surpasses any of the others. Not only is it well-written, but it gets the characters right (in my opinion), is well researched, and provides a reading experience unlike any others with the different ways you can read it.
It got me thinking about how back in middle school and early high school, I would write ALL the time. I had several of my own stories going in seventh grade. They are a bit cringe worthy now, but still pretty solid for someone so young to have written. I used to write in class after my work was finished and spend my evenings writing and consuming even more stories.
I often wish I could go back to that. I get so distracted by my phone these days that it is unbelievable. I feel like it has put a damper on my creativity and certainly has dumbed me down. I try to eliminate time on it, but it’s such an addiction that once I pick it back up again it’s game over and back to square one.
I’ve loved writing since I was young and creative writing is something I’ve been dying to get back into regularly. My adult mind has been finding it incredibly difficult to sit down and do it though. I almost feel like I need a timed lock box to put my phone in to keep myself from being so distracted by it. It’s a habit I have wanted to break for several years now.
Aside from that, I’ve been thinking about bachelorette party prep for my niece this weekend (we are having a girl’s weekend and visiting the wineries), along with how difficult it can be being a step parent at times. I don’t feel like getting in on the details at this time, but it simply sucks caring about a child just as much while feeling like you don’t ultimately have a say in the big decisions for him.
That’s all I’ve got for my brain dump today! Ready to go and enjoy the weekend. I hope everyone else does the same.
Have you ever read fanfiction? What kind? Is your phone a major distraction in your life? What have you done to break that bad habit?