Disclaimer: I always try to use my own photos in my posts, but since I have not been to any of these places yet, most of them are not my own.
I’ll be honest, I’d likely travel anywhere once if given the ticket. There are so many places out there to see that it’s hard to condense it into one small list. There are even places I’ve been that I dream of going back to and seeing more of, but I’ll save those for another day.
Here are the places I would love to visit one day!

I was supposed to knock this one off my list back in 2020, but we all know how traveling in the year-that-shall-not-be-named went. Still, this is the first one in the books to be knocked off my list. I’m itching to see the rugged, wild scenery of the highlands and stare at the rolling green hills that I’m so drawn to.
I can’t wait to explore some of the old city streets and immerse myself in their fascinating history. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t also hoping to aww at a highland cow or two and soak up some Outlander sights.
The largest percentage of my family lineage comes from Germany, particularly from the modern day Rhineland-Palatinate area. I admittedly don’t know a lot about it, but I would love to continue doing some digging on my family history and visit the area one day. Chris’s family history has a large portion from Germany as well, but in another region, so I think it would be a neat experience to visit where we came from.
Anyone I know who has visited absolutely loved Germany. Anyone who has been, where would you recommend visiting? It’s so hard to narrow things down with an entire country to explore!
The Pacific Northwest

This is a section of North America that I have never been before and I feel like it’s the one I would most enjoy. With mountain scenery, my favorite kind of climate, greenery, and a vast amount of incredible views, I feel like I could make a bucket list based on this region alone. I’d primarily love to visit the outdoor destinations, but feel like I would vibe in the cities like Seattle or Portland.
For now, I’d simply love to visit this part of the world at least once!
This place on my list is certain to be more outside my comfort zone than others, but one of my favorite things about traveling is experiencing different cultures from my own. I was initially drawn to visiting Morocco by the colorful Instagram photos featuring vibrant scenery such as the blue walls of Chefchaouen.
I’m a big sucker for interesting architecture, and Morocco seems to have plenty of it with beautiful mosques and riads. I’m also drawn to the contrast of landscape with these colorful cities, the Sahara, mountains, and beach all in one area.

Greece has been on my bucket list for as long as I can remember. The crystal blue waters, white washed walls, cliff side towns, and history have drawn me in and inspired me to visit one day. I’ve always wanted to relax on one of their beautiful beaches, explore ancient historical sights, and take a boat to island hop all of the different islands the country has to offer. I’d also love to try the fresh, local cuisine!
One of the biggest reasons I’ve always wanted to visit Japan was for the fashion. The street fashion there is so ahead of the game and unique quirky styles are more common than you’ll ever find here in Midwest USA. Actually, aside from just the fashion, the overall quirkiness of Japan as a whole is incredibly appealing to me and something I’d love to experience.

I’m a big fan of history and architecture, and do you know what encompasses both? CASTLES!
Wales boasts over 600 castles and that’s reason enough to warrant a visit in my book. I’ve always had a major interest in the UK due to its rich history spanning for centuries before our history here, and I love exploring small quaint towns with old pieces of that history.
It’s a less obvious choice than the usual England or Scotland, yet has it’s own unique language and culture to experience. Wales also boasts some beautiful national parks and seaside towns to provide a little bit of everything!
Yes, Alaska is technically part of the Pacific Northwest, but I felt it deserved it’s own section. Alaska always seemed like it’s own little world to me with its vast and rugged wilderness. I’ve always wanted to visit and every time I see someone else who has gone, I feel the pull a little more. I’d love to experience the wildlife, midnight sun, challenging treks, and boat/kayak trips.

I’m sure Bali, Indonesia made it’s way to many people’s bucket lists after the book “Eat, Pray, Love” was released. Ever since, it was seemed like the “trendy” off-the-beaten path destination to visit, but it hasn’t made me want to visit any less.
The often shared open-air bedrooms with beautiful scenic views, stunning temples, the culture, food, and the relaxation makes this destination seem like on to remember.
I have visited Italy before on a multi-destination European trip in high school, but not Venice! I have heard from many that it’s not all it’s cracked up to be, but it’s still one of the places I would love to experience and decide for myself. Especially since it’s one that may not be around for long!
I loved the Italian culture and Venice seems like a one-of-a-kind destination. And who doesn’t want to ride on one of the famous gondolas, just to say they did?

The scenery in Iceland is 100% my vibe and one of the major reasons I am drawn to visiting. Iceland has the beautiful, dramatic scenery that appeals the most to me with green rugged mountains, waterfalls, and glacial lagoons. I would be perfectly content to take a road trip around soaking up the views and taking a dip in the famous Blue Lagoon.
Other places I would love to visit are: Norway, Switerland, Brazil, Spain, and New England.
Where would you like to visit the most? What places in these areas do you recommend? What is your favorite place so far?

A few of these places are on my travel bucket list too! I really recommend visiting Edinburgh at Christmas time because it’s just the most amazing place!
Katy | http://www.katystephenson.com | http://www.thegrownupsclub.com
Edinburgh looks amazing, I can’t even imagine it at Christmas time!
There are many places on your list that I haven’t been to and would absolutely love to go. The first on my list would be Edinburgh, Scotland as my sister moved there and I haven’t seen her in years. I think Greece would be great because of the food, haha! This is a great list and got me thinking about trying to do some travelling in the future!
I’m excited to see Edinburgh! That’s great you have someone you can visit there. I would loveee to try the food in Greece myself.