Oh, The-Year-That-Must-Not-Be-Named! When we rang in the decade at midnight last year, we had no idea what we were in for. Today, I’m sitting in my sunroom watching it snow IN MY VERY OWN YARD and reflecting on this weird time.
2020 was the strangest year many of us have encountered thus far in our lifetime due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We stayed in our homes, we wore our masks, and life seemed to have more restrictions. If you would have told me in January about what the remainder of the year was going to look like, I highly doubt I would have believed you.

It was a difficult year for a lot of people with fear over the virus, changes in their routine, feeling cooped up in their homes, and feeling unable to do a lot of the activities that they enjoy.
I had a good year...
For me, personally, it was a good year. I’m an introverted homebody who gets exhausted being around people all of the time. In fact, I saw MAJOR improvements in my mental health after I began working from home. Earlier in the year, I felt myself on the verge of a mental breakdown and didn’t realize how many things were affecting me.
I spent more time with family this year and loved the time with Chris and Eli before Chris started his new job and Eli went back to school. We took more hikes and nearby getaways to make the best of the new restrictions in place. I also got to hang out with my cat on a daily basis, which was pretty dang awesome.

I had more time to read books, watch shows, and start new hobbies.
2020 was the year I started this blog! It was something I had wanted to do for a long time, but hadn’t been in the right headspace to move forward. After that, I began creating my own foaming hand soaps.

Read on for a monthly highlight reel of my 2020.

Turned 27, watched my (other) man Henry in the Witcher, and all was right in the world. Even requested off for my first big solo trip overseas in May after keeping it on the down-low for several months.
New Outlander season to watch with Chris. Prior to this, I persuaded him to binge the other seasons so he would become a fan of the show with me. Celebrated my niece’s engagement. Launched my blog and shared my very first blog post!

The COVID-19 pandemic starts becoming more of a concern. Stay at home orders and other restrictions are put in place. My work changes to remote. I also took a girls trip with my mom, sisters, and nieces to a family friend’s lake house in Kentucky after we had to push back our Savannah trip due to restrictions. Eli began virtual schooling, which was hard on all of us. He thrives around his peers, and Chris and I were not blessed with the patience of teachers. Seriously, they aren’t paid nearly enough.

My first full month of remote work and feeling the best I’ve felt mentally in a few years. Chris graduated from the police academy, and while it wasn’t the graduation he’d hoped for, I was so proud of him!
Officially had to reschedule my first big solo trip. This was probably the biggest gut punch for me out of 2020. I was incredibly moody on what would have been my departure date. Unfortunately, my reschedule date is still up in the air.

Eli turned eight! I’ve known little man since he was two, so it’s crazy how fast the time seems to go with them. This month I had the chance to go on a hike with one of my best friends. Since then, I haven’t been able to see her, so that was certainly a highlight!

July was a busy month. We took the first camping trip with my mom, Chris, and Eli in her new camper. It was a great time hanging out and kayaking with the pups! We celebrated my grandpa’s 99th birthday (!!!) and my niece’s 22nd. At the end of the month, we went back to the Kentucky lake house with the boys. Eli had a blast on his first out of state vacation and hanging out with my nephew all week! Chris and I started browsing Zillow and area homes more often.
Chris got a job offer where he wanted to be and was super excited to start his career! Eli went back to school and was happy to go back to that routine.The house we ended up buying was listed for sale.

Took a day trip to Caledonia to visit their big junk-o-rama and launched my soap business. Chris and I celebrated our seven year anniversary with a staycation in a nearby small town. It was a much needed getaway for both of us to spend some quality time! Did one of my first (and only) fall activities of the season and went apple picking with my mom, sister, niece, and nephew. Toured a home.

Another busy month. My niece said yes to the dress and even asked me to be her maid of honor! Joined her at our first market together selling our crafts. This was a good year to hang out with her more after she graduated college.Chris and I decided to put an offer on the house after we kept coming back to it and couldn’t seem to get it out of our heads (fun fact: It was the first and ONLY house we looked at).

Chris and I took another staycation to Hannibal, Mo. We even took our rain check girls’ trip to Savannah,Georgia! Got to celebrate Halloween at a friend’s house and see old friends who I don’t get to see very often.

Took a mini road trip to visit one of my best friends on her birthday weekend. Closed on our house and started working on fixing it up with our first task of wallpaper removal. Not a fun job, guys. Some old friends came to help and I was excited to see them again! Celebrated a lowkey Thanksgiving with the fam.

Finished wallpaper and started painting our new home. Our progress got slowed on Chris’s birthday week when both of us caught COVID. Luckily, we only had mild symptoms of stuffiness and fatigue. We also lost our smell and taste.
(I still don’t have my smell back).

In our quarantine, we both tried to bust out work on the new house and ate way too much fast food. Little man stayed with his mom for an extra week and we both missed his antics. We completed work on the house the week of Christmas, celebrated the holiday with close family, and got help getting moved in that same weekend. Rang in the New Year with a family dinner, watching Jurassic World, and playing Uno!
I’m excited we were able to ring in the new year in our new home. It will be fun to finish unpacking and continue working to make it ours in 2021.
I am nervous about some aspects of the upcoming year ahead, but I can’t wait to see where it goes! To those of you that had a tougher time this past year, I hope the next year brings you brighter days. Chase your happy and stay healthy this year!
What were your highlights in 2020? What did you struggle with? Did you make any big life changes like we did?