I know, I know. New Year, old news at this point, am I right? But holy cow, I can’t believe another year has gone by after the strange year that was 2020. So long 2021.
In many ways, 2021 was a bigger whirlwind for me than I could have ever predicted. It was filled with high highs and challenging lows. I had a long period where I felt like a speck floating in the wind with no direction in sight.
Changes Galore in 2021
2021 was the year of major life changes, both good and bad. Some changes were a long-time coming, others unexpected, and some prepared for.
A New Addition to Our Family

In April, we welcomed our pup Olive to the family, much to our cat Zorra’s dismay. At first, we worried about her energy and excitement at everything (people, dogs, squirrels, motorcycles, etc), but eventually, we all adapted. She learned to cuddle (but only after 9:30 pm), grew obsessed with playing ball, and has one of the sweetest, happiest souls you’ll ever encounter.

After eight years, Chris finally popped the question! He asked the same weekend we welcomed Olive in the family, so it made for an eventful weekend. It’s been exciting planning a less traditional elopement and reception. I can’t wait for the big day coming up this year. Now to continue on planning mode!
Losing My Job
This was probably one of my biggest challenges this year and had a huge impact on my mental health (both good and bad). Unexpected changes like this are never ideal and I struggled with feeling blindsided. In the end, I think the universe forced my hand to remove me from something I’d been unhappy with for some time. I still feel some type of way when I think about it too long, but the more time that passes, the happier I am to be in a new chapter.
Seeing More of Friends

I made more of an effort this year to spend time with friends, though I still have a long ways to go at initiating hang-outs. I had isolated myself for several years due to stress and struggles with my mental health. This year, it’s been nice spending time with people again. One of my closest friends moved back to the area and I’ve been grateful to see her more often. There are still some friends I wish I could see more of. Adulthood and living in different areas make friendship a balancing act that is tough to master!

A Year in Our Home

The end of December marked one year of our home! It’s been a roller coaster with our initial renovations, catching Covid, decorating, and all the effort that came since. I love my house and I’m so glad we decided to take the leap in 2020. Work will never be finished in an old house, but I’m excited to continue making it ours.
Gaining Weight and Struggling With Consistency
2021 was a big step backward in my weight loss journey. Losing my job caused a big mental health decline and a lot of uncertainty. I often struggle with consistency when I’m struggling mentally. I gained almost half of the weight I’d lost over the last several years. I had a difficult time motivating myself to work out and making healthy choices with food.
Made Time For Some Trips

After a year without much ability to travel, I was able to take some trips this last year. We took our first big family trip to Arizona in May, went on a bachelorette weekend for my niece, had a Friendcation in Kentucky over the summer, and a staycation close to home in December.
A New Eye-Opening Job
Eventually, I landed a new job, and while it wasn’t an ideal type of role, it was eye-opening. Another one of the employees who started at the same time compared it to the new girlfriend who makes you realize how toxic your ex was. I didn’t realize how many aspects of my old job were full of backward thinking. This role encouraged prioritizing our mental health, trusted employees to behave like adults, and had practices in place that allowed us to do our jobs better with less stress.
Implemented Some New Routines

I spent more time reading books, writing, and indulging in fandoms I loved this last year. Every morning, I carved out time to read a book, even if it was only for twenty minutes. This has worked wonders for my mental health and gave me some me-time before starting my day.
Goals for 2022
- Stop trying to do everything at once (this one might be the most challenging, based on the year so far)
- Be kinder to myself (Particularly giving myself more grace when I can’t do everything at once)
- Read more books (I have a minimum goal of 20!)
- Regain focus on my health (I’d like to lose what I gained last year, and be more consistent with healthy eating + exercise)
- Complete half of the fanfiction I started writing last year!
- Enjoy it! (So many great things in store!)
How Was 2021 For You?
How was your year? What were your biggest moments and biggest challenges? What are you most excited about in 2022? What goals do you have?